'Popcorn mixed with onion, tomato, mint leaves and chaat masala POPCORN BHEL Ingredients 1 cup corn kernels for popcorn 2 tbsps oil ½ medium onion ½ medium tomato 10-15 fresh mint leaves ¼ tsp red chilli powder ¼ tsp chopped green chillies ½ tsp chaat masala Salt to taste 1 lemon Nylon sev, as required Method 1. Heat oil in a pressure cooker, add corn and mix. Cover with the lid on and let the corn pop. 2. Chop onion and tomato finely. Finely chop mint leaves. 3. When all the corn has popped put them into a large mixing bowl. Add onion, tomato, mint leaves, red chilli powder, green chillies, chaat masala and little salt. Squeeze the juice of lemon and mix well. 4. Add sev and mix and serve immediately. Click to Subscribe: http://bit.ly/1h0pGXf For more recipes : http://www.sanjeevkapoor.com Best cooked in Wonderchef Kitchenware. Buy Now on : https://goo.gl/eB9kQq Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/ChefSanjeevKapoor Twitter : https://twitter.com/sanjeevkapoor #sanjeevkapoor'
Tags: Recipe , Chef , fast food , dessert , Cook , foodie , fat to fit , street food , RESTAURANT , simple recipe , CAFE , butter chicken , master chef , sanjeev kapoor recipe , indian cusine , popcorn recipe , wonder chef , style chef , cooksmart , hi tea , quick & easy recipe , smart chef , strater , snacky recipe , Popcorn Bhel , Popcorn Bhel Vegetarian Recipe , 5 Minutes Popcorn Bhel Recipe , how to make popcorn bhel recipe
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